October 31, 2020

Enterprise software upgrade & data conversion: two major projects, one big success

1 min read


blue_down_arrow CHALLENGE

Upgrade their existing PureWealth platform to the next generation release to benefit from the latest and improved version of the software.

Consolidate their data management system – migrate data from their old system, and then began consuming data from a new system without any disruptions.

pink_down_arrow SOLUTION

Simultaneously implemented an enterprise software solution upgrade and a data conversion.

Cost-effectively and seamlessly upgraded ATB to a comprehensive and flexible solution that meets their current and future business needs.

The enhanced solution delivers better productivity, ease of administration and a richer user experience.

green_down_arrow RESULTS

Successfully deployed two large projects simultaneously – a massive undertaking.

Effortlessly accommodated a number of additional changes and add-ons while minimizing potential errors and delays.

Seamlessly integrated with another software vendor.
