October 31, 2020

Simpler, faster implementations for enhanced client statements: Powered by Microsoft Azure

1 min read

blue_down_arrow CHALLENGE

How to generate better-looking statements while eliminating the ever-increasing costs and time-consuming maintenance of on-premise hosting.

pink_down_arrow SOLUTION

Partnered with Microsoft and leveraged Microsoft Azure to host the PureFacts Reporting solution as a cloud-based SaaS offering.

Our statement solution was quick to deploy, simple to operate, and readily scalable.

More cost-effective than hosting on-site and easier to maintain

green_down_arrow RESULTS

Delivered attractive, more engaging client statements and reports.

Reduced the total cost of business operations while maximizing IT efficiency.

Provided industry-leading levels of security, compliance, and transparency.


"Our implementation was so fast and simple ... plus we love the look of our new statements so much, we want to submit them for an award!"

Managing Director, Desjardins Wealth Management


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